Imlay City High School vs. Almont High School
Imlay City High School vs. Almont High School
Port Huron Northern High School vs. Imlay City High School
Port Huron Northern High School vs. Imlay City High School
Yale High School vs. Imlay City High School
Yale High School vs. Imlay City High School
Richmond High School vs. Imlay City High School
Richmond High School vs. Imlay City High School
Richmond High School vs. Imlay City High School
Richmond High School vs. Imlay City High School
Imlay City High School vs. Almont High School
Richmond High School vs. Imlay City High School
Richmond High School vs. Imlay City High School
North Branch High School vs. Imlay City High School
Away vs. Imlay City High School
Away vs. Imlay City High School
North Branch High School vs. Imlay City High School
Imlay City High School vs. Algonac High School
Imlay City High School vs. Algonac High School
North Branch High School vs. Imlay City High School
International Academy of Flint vs. Islanders
International Academy of Flint vs. Islanders
International Academy of Flint vs. Brimley Area High School
International Academy of Flint vs. Away
International Academy of Flint vs. Atherton High School
International Academy of Flint vs. Atherton High School
International Academy of Flint vs. Flint Southwestern Classical Academy
International Academy of Flint vs. Flint Southwestern Classical Academy
International Academy of Flint vs. Imlay City High School
International Academy of Flint vs. Imlay City High School
Genesee Christian High School vs. International Academy of Flint
Genesee Christian High School vs. International Academy of Flint
International Academy of Flint vs. Away
International Academy of Flint vs. Beecher High School
International Academy of Flint vs. Beecher High School
International Academy of Flint vs. Beecher High School
Away vs. International Academy of Flint
International Academy of Flint vs. Away
International Academy of Flint vs. Away
Bendle High School vs. International Academy of Flint