
Rothesay County Championship 2025 fixtures: All the matches, dates and schedule for 2025 competition

Check out the fixtures for the Rothesay County Championship in 2025, with the season running from April 4 until September 27.

Round 1 - Friday 4 - Monday 7 April 2025

Derbyshire vs Gloucestershire (County Ground, Derby)
Essex vs Surrey (Cloud County Ground, Chelmsford)
Glamorgan vs Leicestershire (Sophia Gardens)
Hampshire vs Yorkshire (Utilita Bowl)
Middlesex vs Lancashire (Lord's)
Northamptonshire vs Kent (County Ground, Northampton)
Nottinghamshire vs Durham (Trent Bridge)
Somerset vs Worcestershire (Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton)
Warwickshire vs Sussex (Edgbaston)

Round 2 - Friday 11 - Monday 14 April

Durham vs Warwickshire (Seat Unique Riverside)
Gloucestershire vs Glamorgan (Seat Unique Stadium, Bristol)
Kent vs Middlesex (Spitfire Ground, Canterbury)
Lancashire vs Northamptonshire (Emirates Old Trafford)
Leicestershire vs Derbyshire (Uptonsteel County Ground)
Nottinghamshire vs Essex (Trent Bridge)
Surrey vs Hampshire (Kia Oval)
Sussex vs Somerset (1st Central County Ground, Hove)
Yorkshire vs Worcestershire (Headingley)

Round 3 - Friday 18 - Monday 21 April

Derbyshire vs Northamptonshire (County Ground, Derby)
Durham vs Yorkshire (Seat Unique Riverside)
Essex vs Worcestershire (Cloud County Ground, Chelmsford)
Hampshire vs Somerset (Utilita Bowl)
Kent vs Gloucestershire (Spitfire Ground, Canterbury)
Lancashire vs Leicestershire (Emirates Old Trafford)
Middlesex vs Glamorgan (Lord's)
Sussex vs Surrey (1st Central County Ground, Hove)
Warwickshire vs Nottinghamshire (Edgbaston)

Round 4 - Friday 25 - Monday 28 April

Derbyshire vs Middlesex (County Ground, Derby)
Gloucestershire vs Leicestershire (Seat Unique Stadium, Bristol)
Nottinghamshire vs Sussex (Trent Bridge)
Surrey vs Somerset (Kia Oval)
Worcestershire vs Durham (Visit Worcestershire New Road)

Round 5 - Friday 2 - Monday 5 May

Glamorgan vs Derbyshire (Sophia Gardens)
Hampshire vs Durham (Utilita Bowl)
Lancashire vs Gloucestershire (Emirates Old Trafford)
Leicestershire vs Northamptonshire (Uptonsteel County Ground)
Middlesex vs Kent (Lord's)
Somerset vs Essex (Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton)
Yorkshire vs Warwickshire (Edgbaston)

Round 6 - Friday 9 - Monday 12 May

Essex vs Yorkshire (Cloud County Ground, Chelmsford)
Kent vs Glamorgan (Spitfire Ground, Canterbury)
Northamptonshire vs Lancashire (County Ground, Northampton)
Nottinghamshire vs Hampshire (Trent Bridge)
Sussex vs Worcestershire (1st Central County Ground, Hove)
Warwickshire vs Surrey (Edgbaston)

Round 7 - Friday 16 - Monday 19 May

Durham vs Nottinghamshire (Seat Unique Riverside)
Glamorgan vs Northamptonshire (Sophia Gardens)
Gloucestershire vs Kent (Seat Unique Stadium, Bristol)
Lancashire vs Derbyshire (Emirates Old Trafford)
Middlesex vs Leicestershire (Lord's)
Somerset vs Sussex (Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton)
Surrey vs Yorkshire (Kia Oval)
Warwickshire vs Hampshire (Edgbaston)
Worcestershire vs Essex (Visit Worcestershire New Road)

Round 8 - Friday 23 - Monday 26 May

Derbyshire vs Kent (County Ground, Derby)
Durham vs Somerset (Seat Unique Riverside)
Glamorgan vs Middlesex (Sophia Gardens)
Hampshire vs Sussex (Utilita Bowl)
Leicestershire vs Lancashire (Uptonsteel County Ground)
Northamptonshire vs Gloucestershire (County Ground, Northampton)
Surrey vs Essex (Kia Oval)
Worcestershire vs Warwickshire (Visit Worcestershire New Road)
Yorkshire vs Nottinghamshire (Headingley)

Round 9 - Sunday 22 - Wednesday 25 June

Durham vs Sussex (Seat Unique Riverside)
Essex vs Hampshire (Cloud County Ground, Chelmsford)
Gloucestershire vs Derbyshire (Seat Unique Stadium, Bristol)
Lancashire vs Kent (Venue TBC)
Leicestershire vs Glamorgan (Uptonsteel County Ground)
Northamptonshire vs Middlesex (County Ground, Northampton)
Nottinghamshire vs Yorkshire (Trent Bridge)
Warwickshire vs Somerset (Edgbaston)
Worcestershire vs Surrey (Visit Worcestershire New Road)

Round 10 - Sunday 29 June - Wednesday 2 July

Derbyshire vs Lancashire (Chesterfield)
Glamorgan vs Gloucestershire (Sophia Gardens)
Hampshire vs Worcestershire (Utilita Bowl)
Kent vs Northamptonshire (Spitfire Ground, Canterbury)
Leicestershire vs Middlesex (Uptonsteel County Ground)
Somerset vs Nottinghamshire (Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton)
Surrey vs Durham (Kia Oval)
Sussex vs Warwickshire (1st Central County Ground, Hove)
Yorkshire vs Essex (York)

Round 11 - Tuesday 22 - Friday 25 July

Derbyshire vs Leicestershire (County Ground, Derby)
Glamorgan vs Kent (Sophia Gardens)
Gloucestershire vs Lancashire (Cheltenham College)
Hampshire vs Nottinghamshire (Utilita Bowl)
Middlesex vs Northamptonshire (Merchant Taylors' School)
Somerset vs Durham (Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton)
Sussex vs Essex (1st Central County Ground, Hove)
Warwickshire vs Worcestershire (Edgbaston)
Yorkshire vs Surrey (Scarborough)

Round 12 - Tuesday 29 July - Friday 1 August

Durham vs Surrey (Seat Unique Riverside)
Essex vs Warwickshire (Cloud County Ground, Chelmsford)
Gloucestershire vs Middlesex (Cheltenham College)
Kent vs Leicestershire (Spitfire Ground, Canterbury)
Lancashire vs Glamorgan (Emirates Old Trafford)
Northamptonshire vs Derbyshire (County Ground, Northampton)
Nottinghamshire vs Somerset (Trent Bridge)
Worcestershire vs Hampshire (Visit Worcestershire New Road)
Yorkshire vs Sussex (Scarborough)

Round 13 - Monday 8 - Thursday 11 September

Essex vs Durham (Cloud County Ground, Chelmsford)
Kent vs Lancashire (Spitfire Ground, Canterbury)
Leicestershire vs Gloucestershire (Uptonsteel County Ground)
Middlesex vs Derbyshire (Lord's)
Northamptonshire vs Glamorgan (County Ground, Northampton)
Somerset vs Yorkshire (Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton)
Surrey vs Warwickshire (Kia Oval)
Sussex vs Hampshire (1st Central County Ground, Hove)
Worcestershire vs Nottinghamshire (Visit Worcestershire New Road)

Round 14 - Monday 15 - Thursday 18 September

Derbyshire vs Glamorgan (County Ground, Derby)
Durham vs Worcestershire (Seat Unique Riverside)
Gloucestershire vs Northamptonshire (Seat Unique Stadium, Bristol)
Lancashire vs Middlesex (Emirates Old Trafford)
Leicestershire vs Kent (Uptonsteel County Ground)
Somerset vs Hampshire (Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton)
Surrey vs Nottinghamshire (Kia Oval)
Sussex vs Yorkshire (1st Central County Ground, Hove)
Warwickshire vs Essex (Edgbaston)

Round 15 - Wednesday 24 - Saturday 27 September

Essex vs Somerset (Cloud County Ground, Chelmsford)
Glamorgan vs Lancashire (Sophia Gardens)
Hampshire vs Surrey (Utilita Bowl)
Kent Cricket vs Derbyshire (Spitfire Ground, Canterbury)
Middlesex vs Gloucestershire (Lord's)
Northamptonshire vs Leicestershire (County Ground, Northampton)
Nottinghamshire vs Warwickshire (Trent Bridge)
Worcestershire vs Sussex (Visit Worcestershire New Road)
Yorkshire vs Durham (Headingley)